Angels of Hope 19

'Chicken Sandwich,' said Gloryel. Daniel paid. They walked over to Infidel's Park in the centre of Joniquay, and sat down, starting to eat their meals.

'You know,' said Gloryel. 'Eternity is like a circle. The circle of life. Where everything old is new again.'

'It does go on, doesn't it,' replied Daniel. 'I mean, seriously. I have that many 'Get to Item's' these days that getting them all up to date, never mind done, would take a lifetime of lifetimes.

'I like to run loose on things like that,' replied Geri.

'Loose woman, huh,' quipped Daniel.

Gloryel sat there, eating her chicken sandwich, thinking on her response. Finally, 'You might say that.'

'Yeh, that's the spicies. The loosest of women. They've seen it all, done it all, had 'em all.'

'Had 'em all?' queried Gloryel.

'All the hard words and all the hard ones right up 'em. Time and time again,' replied Daniel.

'What are you driving at?' asked Gloryel.

'Heavy driving as well. Lots of pushing and shoving. Squeals of delight.'

'You're disgusting,' replied Gloryel.

'Chicken is a good choice,' said Daniel. 'So many ruddy vegan cafes in the city now. Half of Joniquay must be vegan or vegetarian I would imagine.'

'People like to run healthy here. And fit. Very much a fitness place. Lots of gyms. Were people often go to be seen,' replied Gloryel.

'Way of a lot of the modern world,' said Daniel.

'People make choices, be they wrong or right, and those choices shape our world and culture, and we get what we get because of it, whether it's too our liking or not,' said Gloryel.

'So what we do is adapt and fit in,' said Daniel. 'And you learn some of the knowledge of the emerging things to understand them and to acclimatize to them. You get them in your system so you can get along just fine and have the ability to fit in.'

'Exactly,' said Geraldine, and continued munching on her chicken sandwich. She looked around the park. Infidel's park. Where the first rebellion took place in the Realm of the Diamond Cities, the Seceond Heavenly Realm as it was often called. 'Statue of Satan,' she said pointing to a bronze statue not far from them.

'Come on then,' replied Daniel. Geri put her sandwich in her handbag, and picked up her raincoat, as it had been raining that morning, and followed Daniel over to the statue on a rock base. They looked at it.

'He looks in a fowl mood,' said Gloryel.

'That's the devil for you,' said Daniel.

'It has a plaque,' said Gloryel.

Daniel read it. 'Dedicated to Satan. The Grandest Infidel of them All.'

'Funny,' said Gloryel.

'Honest, I guess,' replied Daniel. 'But it was infidelity or something like that which led him astray again.'

'The devil doing what he does,' said Gloryel.

'And the rest of us facing the consequences,' replied Daniel.

It started raining again, and Gloryel put on her raincoat. 'I'm doing the challenge again. One day,' said Gloryel. 'Made up my mind. Not yet. Not anytime soon in fact at all. But one day.'

Daniel looked at her. 'You'll need a coach again, I guess?'

'Same team,' said Gloryel. 'There's a little bit of the virtue of consistency I've been reading about in a devotional which I want to make a few acknowledgements and decisions on. People can have expectations of you from what you've done in the past. Perhaps you should do it again, being lawful and holy and good, that is.'

'Come on,' said Daniel. 'Let's get to the car.'

They left the park and get inside the car in the carpark, and Daniel took out his tablet. He started typing away, and after a couple of minutes Gloryel asked 'What are you typing.'

'Ironically, what you just remarked. The point you made about consistency and doing what we have done in the past again in the future, albeit holy and lawful and good, that struck a chord. A deep chord, actually. I'm just doing some notes to write an official document for ANM on it.'

'Oh,' replied Gloryel, a little surprised. 'You see merit in the idea.'

Daniel looked at her. 'Very much,' he replied.

'Come on, finish up, get us home. I need a hot bath.'

Daniel put away his tablet, and as they drove along Geri took out the rest of her chicken sandwich and continued munching on it while Daniel was thinking quite a lot about the comments just mentioned. They had actually struck a chord in the heart of Daniel the Seraphim of the Realm of Eternity.

The End